
The Future of Law Enforcement: Harnessing the Power of the Internet of Things


The Future of Law Enforcement: Harnessing the Power of the Internet of Things

Share this article – We are now entering the era of Society 5.0, a concept that emphasizes creating a society enriched by human values and enhanced by the Internet of Things (IoT). This new phase aims to promote prosperity while ensuring that technology serves humanity.

However, as we embrace these technological advancements, some threats and concerns arise alongside the benefits. For instance, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a prominent technology, making significant strides across various fields, including law.

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So, how are technological developments like AI, big data, and IoT impacting the legal landscape? And how is the law evolving to keep pace with these rapid changes? 

Let’s explore these important questions as we navigate the intersection of technology and law.

This paradigm was developed to respond to increasing social and economic inequality, depletion of natural resources, terrorism, pandemic life with uncertainty, and complexity at almost all levels of life. Good cooperation from various stakeholders, policymakers, and digitalization technology is needed to realize Society 5.0.

New values ​​found in Society 5.0, including artificial intelligence analysis data, which includes thousands of pieces of information about humans, are also changing several aspects, such as health, the economy, and law enforcement. 

Dr. Suhartoyo, S.H., M.H., Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, said that law enforcement is human-centered. Meanwhile, the difference in the society 5.0 era is that there is IoT support in the legal enforcement process.

He believes that law enforcement that is more human-centric oriented aims to give high respect to the laws that live in society (living law), and is not limited to statutory norms alone. This is in line with Lawrence Friedman’s view of three subsystems that must be fulfilled in the law enforcement process, namely: legal substance, legal structure, and legal culture. 

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He suggested that law enforcement in the era of society 5.0 needs to look at the use of fair law as a basis for decision-making, the independence, impartiality, and freedom of law enforcement agencies in deciding cases, the professionalism of law enforcement officers, and involving public participation.

Society 5.0 places humans at the center of activities that balance economic benefits with societal solutions. This can be achieved through the use of high integration, both cyberspace and physical space. Technological developments will later become a solution to solve problems that exist in society.

“In the future, internet use will be even more massive, in the era of society 5.0. Because everything that is usually done by humans will later be done by the system. “The system will be smarter because humans have limited memory, while the system can accommodate a lot of data, and with that data, it will later carry out activities, which activities were previously carried out by humans,” he said.

The development of information and communication technology fosters the growth of globalization, namely the fading of borders between countries. There are positive impacts such as saving human energy and unlimited access to knowledge.

Meanwhile, the negative impact is that it can trigger the development of cybercrime crimes that use new tools, such as the spread of viruses, cracking, and illegal access, as well as traditional crimes that use new tools, such as insults, fraud, and gambling.

According to him, crimes committed in digital space have several characteristics, namely: 

  1. borderlines, digital space is global and not limited to geographical boundaries,
  2. accessibility, anyone and at any time can access, 
  3.  anonymity, digital space provides anonymity features that can keep the user’s identity secret, 
  4.  interactivity, digital space provides a forum for interaction between users that occurs non-stop, and 
  5. rapidity, digital space allows the exchange of data and information quickly. 
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Finally, it was explained that cybercrime will be related to transnational crime. So according to him, it is necessary to increase the expertise of law enforcers in the field of cybercrime and provide more varied sanctions to deal with cybercrime.

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