
The Art of Legal Storytelling: Using Stories to Persuade


The Art of Legal Storytelling: Using Stories to Persuade

Share this article – A storyteller can capture the audience’s attention; this is very important in the legal process. Perhaps, one of the most effective means of doing this is through Legal Storytelling. This is a strategy that incorporates the use of storytelling to present legal realities, persuade a jury or a judge and mostly to capture a case.

So, why are stories special in law? Simple. Stories are beneficial to build an emotional connection. Telling the stories can elicit emotions to the listeners and make them to be closer to the case being put forward. This is very crucial since legal issues can be informed by emotions rather than the pure legal legalities of an issue.

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Indeed, a good story can also help in presenting legal facts which often are very complicated. Used in organizing facts in narrative, the use of stories allows audiences to better visualize what took place and the history behind it.

While the former involves putting together a sequence of events that are easier to recall than a set of data or facts which have been compiled on their own. Thus, while a jury or a judge is trying to remember the story you have told, they will also remember the essence of your argument and find the right decision to make.

In other words, the chances of persuading the audience are better when people’s pure and genuine stories are told. If for instance the lawyer will be able to narrate the story of his client in a way that you can feel the pain of the client, then the word of mouth of the lawyer will hold so much truth to it.

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But when telling a story enshrouded in a factual introduction it should also have elements of fact telling. One of them is the elements of protagonist, conflict, climax and resolution.

Well, every story has to have an interesting hero or at least an interesting main character. In legal proceedings the subject is always your client. On the same note, you would have to describe your client as a sympathetic figure, someone who is honest and someone who deserves justice.

Conflict, you might be right, is the essence of any story. Describe the conflict of the case and explain how it influences my client’s life.

The climax is considered as being the most exciting part of the story. Create a good foundation along with an appealing and an emotional appeal to persuade the audience that your cause is very essential.

A good way to make your story interesting is to come up with a good ending to the story. How do you expect the verdict that you want to witness to change this situation and give justice to your client?

Well, here are some tips so that your story is effective in the eyes of the law. Firstly, you need to make some changes in your delivery style according to the audience that you are going to handle. In case your audience is a lay jury, it would not be advisable to use some of the technical legal terms.

Another equally important way is also to rehearse the telling of your story one way or the other. If all these are rehearsed time and over, you become so confident and convincing as you deliver your speech.

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Another technique that can equally be relied on to support your story is by employing the use of presentations, videos, or even photos. Often, a picture is worth a thousand words and this is why using visual aids might aid the audience to visualize what happens.

It is so much more effective to explain not only your facts but also your client’s feelings. In that way, the audience will be able to relate more to your story.

However, it has to be noted that legal storytelling can be a very persuasive tool when addressing a jury or a judge. With stories, you can present complicated arguments regarding a legal matter and do so in a way that would make people listen and care. But to be an effective and engaging storyteller always, you not only want to know about good storytelling practices but also about people’s psychology.

But do not forget that this article is merely educational and does not serve as the provision of legal advice. Please use the information to consult a lawyer for further legal assistance. (Brian)

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