
Suits Serial: More Than Just a Legal Series, a Source of Inspiration for Young Lawyers


Suits Serial: More Than Just a Legal Series, a Source of Inspiration for Young Lawyers

Share this article – An interesting plot and rather bright and unique characters are able to capture the viewers’ attention, which a series like Suits from Netflix does. Apart from being entertainment, Suits has proved to be motivational for most youth who have a dream of becoming lawyers. 

Cited from Screenrant, before moving to Los Angeles and getting into the television industry, Suits creator Aaron Korsh worked on Wall Street as an investment banker. His experiences in finance inspired the idea for the legal television drama. According to USA Insider, Suits originated as a series based in the finance world, not at a law firm. Korsh created these characters and placed them in a Wall Street setting before transitioning them over to the world of law. The creator had his time on Wall Street in mind while writing the television show, and it was those experiences that influenced the story and characters.

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Well, to answer the two questions raised above; what makes this series special and the impact that it has on prospective lawyers?

Reflection of the Glamorous and Challenging World of Law

As with many other television dramas, Suits has one main selling point: the popular and fascinating life of a lawyer. The imaginary law firm is called the ‘Pearson Hardman,’ and the show portrays it as if it is a home to the most brilliant lawyers and they all are vying for the opportunity to win complex and high profile cases. Suave bodies, fine apparels, and intellectual dialogues are the trademarks of this series. In the opinion of young spectators, Suits opens an interesting view at the legal profession, which is far from being ordinary and banal.

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Inspiring Characters

Both male and female characters in Suits, especially the two leading roles of Harvey Specter, and Mike Ross, are inspiring to many people. Harvey with his exceptional intelligence and a cut throat negotiation skills is a quintessential example of a successful lawyer who wields power. In turn, Mike is a gifted legal mind who is, however, bereft of a degree; his story shows that nothing can be an insurmountable problem if one doesn’t lack talent and determination. Both roles show how opportunity and determination helps one to achieve personal goals and it does not matter in which profession in which it is chosen.

Ed Fletcher, CEO of Fletchers Solicitors, said: “The impact of TV role models shouldn’t be underestimated, we have seen in previous years how shows such as CSI have lead to a surge in forensic science course applications, and it seems that it is now the turn of the law and business professions to benefit from an influx in interest and applicants.

Valuable Lessons on Law and Ethics

Apart from glamor and drama, there are many significant lessons of law and ethics in Suits. Ideally, each episode is based on intense legal matters, and the characters are forced to make decisions that determine their clients’ outcomes. People can get acquainted with different topics connected with LAW starting from litigation procedures to business practices during this series. Besides, Suits also emphasize on the aspect of ethical standards and professional conduct when practicing the profession of law.

Inspiration to Pursue Dreams

To the youngsters practicing law, Suits is a clear indication that they can also make it in the legal field provided they work hard, remain focused and also have a little bit of fortune. The series makes them continue learning, improvement, and striving to achieve their goals in life. Further, Suits also shows that it is crucial for a student to understand that he or she has to have friends, that he or she should not be adverse with co-workers.

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“Growing up I was fascinated by those TV lawyers who fought against the odds to secure justice for their clients, and that still affects how I see my job today. It also suggests that TV production companies could have a role to play in helping inspire people into professions where there is going to be most need in 10 or 20 years’ time.  With that in mind, perhaps we need shows that popularize engineers or mathematicians to help shape future generations,” said Fletcher.

While Suits is a very inspiring show, the fans also accused the producers of idealizing the work of a lawyer too much. The truth is, not all the lawyers live the lives that are portrayed in the series to the extent that it can be dubbed as attractive. The process of learners transforming to lawyers is also much more rigorous and takes a lot of time. However, in spite of all that, Suits is still the show people get motivated to change their lives.

It has also been seen that the Suits series has well succeeded in depicting how the legal sector is really exciting and crucial. Due to the interesting and fascinating characters as well as the drama created by the plot of the series Suits, youth have been engaged in learning about the legal profession. As we have seen, while Suits might not always give an accurate depiction it is a source of inspiration that should be relied on to those who are interested in practicing law.

However, young lawyers should look for their inspiration somewhere else, at the same time Suits can be a source of inspiration. No one’s path is the same and there’s really no exact prescription on how things should be done. That is why, with further education, training and personal growth, each person is able to become successful in the sphere of law.

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